Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Library 2.0...

is nothing less than a revolution. The times they are a changin... from print collections to a few select electronic database purchases to massive user participation with myspace, Youtube, newsfeeds, every newspaper online..... It's like the whole structure has been turned on it's head. Librarians no longer select what users will read. They make that decision for themselves, Thank you very much. See OCLC newsletter, Nextspace:, the article by Rick Anderson is right on target. The "just in case" model for collection management was so true only 12 years ago when I was the reference bibliographer. What questions could this book answer? How many times did I ask myself that? How big our print collection grew under my watchful scrutinizing eye! And I was the only person who knew the collection because I was the one who walked through it daily. Stacks of books. And now, the collection is a million times bigger because it is the entire web. There are no preliminary questions. There are simply responses. I think I like it....