Wednesday, September 12, 2007

#23 The Discovery

I almost hate to admit that I truly enjoyed learning about podcasts. So that is what is going on with those ipod things stuck in everyones' ear canals. I thought it was only music that they were listening to. I had no idea that radio shows could be loaded. And most recently I saw another use.. lesson plans and text can be uploaded to supplement coursework.

For a photographer, the Flickr site is great, but the space is pretty limiting. Still, it is a good way to share photos. I have a friend who went to the Galapagos last winter and I so enjoyed looking at his photos at a Yahoo site. Because of file size limitations I needed to get the best shots directly from him. I have been invited to view many such photo sites of friends and family. It is much nicer than schlepping pictures around to every family event. You've been there. You know how it is to sit and look at 25 pictures of the same kid doing the same activity while trying to come up with something nice to say. This saves time.

I am glad that it is over. It has been a hectice summer and I have too much to do. On this eve of the new year, I am gld to put my formal web 2.0 learning activities behind me.

#22 Facebook! Oy Vey!

I read the articles about MySpace, watched the video, looked at some facebook sites and I can assure you that I will never be listed as a friend on anyone's space. The amount of time that it takes to look at it... the addiction that comes natuarally with computer use is cranked to a higher level. Call me old-fashioned, but I want to make contact with the person I talk to. I do not want to talk to lots of people simultaneously. There are not that many people who care about my life. I do not need to inform the world of anything.

#21 Podcasts

It is easy to find podcasts. NPR is my favorite source of news and entertainment. I can see the benefit of downloading "Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me!" or "CarTalk" and listening while jogging in the morning so please, let me have that ipod mp3 player.

In addition to NPR there is a great Jewish books site--Nextbook. Really, you should check it out. I often see what I can find there for my Jewish book club meetings.

#20 Adding video to Blog Marching 110

Click on The Marching 110 to see their performance at Toledo 2 years ago.

#8 and #9

So I guess I didn't realize it but I had added RSS feeds to my igoogle over a month ago. Because I have so little time, I have learned to glance there rather than taking the time to go to the old favorite news places.

I went searching for the out of the way places and found a Russian news source that I cannot read because I am reacquainting myself to the language. Hebrew is equally trying. Jerusalem Post comes in both Hebrew and English varieties. There is such a thing as too much news. Sometimes, I think it is best to just do my work and hope the world is not exploding around me. It falls into the ignorance is bliss category. But then pulling all these together is not a bad option.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

# 16 #17 Posted to a Wiki

Library wikis are really boring. Let's face it. We shouldn't be trusted with open access to any web publishing venue. I put my site on our library wiki page.

#19 Award Winner
I see. A story in one sentence. Brevity was never my forte. I will not be winning any such award for my blog.

#18 Online Tools

Can you believe that these things are free for anyone to use?! And how much do we pay for MSword?! I don't know, maybe we should just dismantle the place. Why spend any money on computers or software. We are so behind the curve. No institution can keep up with a bureacracy like ours can keep up. Does anyone feel like the Romonov dynasty is about to fall?

#6 Mashups

Here is my pretty lame card. I will put a better one later.. .I promise!